
Etichetă public speaking

"Become the speaker & leader you want to be" la Toastmasters Brasov

Scris acum peste 11 ani

Looking to improve your speaking and leadership skills? Ignite your career? Win that job interview? Members of the  Brasov Toastmasters Club  improve their communication and leadership skills, and find the courage to change.  Toastmasters International  has more than 260,000 members around the globe.  A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing workshop ...

Come, See, Speak with Toastmasters Brasov

Scris acum peste 11 ani

... .you just don’t know it yet! Because mastering public speaking is important in many areas of our lives. Being able to get ...

The Speech Marathon by Brasov Toastmasters Club

Scris acum peste 13 ani

... is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting ...

Povestea de seara cu membrii Toastmasters Brasov - Despre cariere

Scris acum peste 14 ani

Clubul Toastmasters International Brasov, si ceainaria Ceai et caetera va invita la prima editie a evenimentului lunar "Povestea de seara". "Povestea de seara" este o intalnire non-formala in care aducem persoane care vor sa ne impartaseasca o poveste (despre cariera lor, despre ideile de antreprenoriat pe care le-au pus deja in practica). ...

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