

Friday, 17 November , Balkan Party by Gipsy Casual & Afer Party with Dj Sihe

#FreeChampagne // #AmazingMusic // #LiveParty // #AllNight

*Gipsy Casual represent the exotic balkan-gipsy sounds in the today musical industry. They are fresh, genuine and they start a new story about very talented musicians. The band preserve the traditional gipsy rhythm but they bring it up to date with electronic tones and electrifying club beats.

In July 2011 the band enters Cat Music label’s portofolio, and launches Gipsy Casual’s debut song “Balance Prala”. It features a video that has gathered hundreds of thousands of hits on the internet in the early weeks of release.

Gipsy Casual was opening act at the 2011 Romanian Music Awards in Brasov introducing their balkan gipsy beats, a unique dance show, instruments and live voices that brought them audience’s recognition.
“One of the most spectacular musical projects in Romania,” according to media attending the event, the official launch of the band among artists in Romania was a total success.*

La 20:30 te așteptăm cu masa pusă , iar de la 22:00 cu spectacolul pe scenă si multe alte surprize.
Apoi continuăm party-ul cu DJ Sihe care va intretine atmosfera pana dimineata.

35 LEI - ( locuri limitate )
* Pentru acest eveniment rezervările se preiau doar după achiziţionarea biletelor. ( biletele se pot achizitiona din incinta localului Warehouse Pub , Lucian Blaga nr. 8 - in spate la Patria )

* Rezervările se fac la:
- 0773 843 726 ( în cazul în care linia este ocupată va rugam sa trimiteţi un SMS cu numele şi noi va vom contacta în cel mai scurt timp pentru confirmarea detaliilor )
- mesaj pe pagina de facebook.
Parteneri ai acestui eveniment : Zile si Nopti Brasov , WiGO , Astoria Wines Expodue Romania ,



Warehouse Pub

Brașov, str. L. Blaga, nr. 6

Contactează realizatorul articolului

George Cozma


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