

Deep Purple, turneul Rapture of the DeepMiercuri, 31 Octombrie 2007, ora 19:00, legendarii muzicii rock, Deep Purple, vor deschide a doua parte a turneului mondial in Europa, turneu care isi propune sa parcurga 36 de tari, cu un concert extraordinar pe Stadionul Cotroceni din Bucuresti. Concertul Deep Purple la Bucuresti face parte din turneul mondial The Rapture of the Deep, turneu de promovare a albumului cu acelasi nume si va beneficia de conditii de productie speciale, artistii aducand in Romania echipamentele tehnice proprii de sunet, lumini si multimedia, ceea ce va oferi un plus de calitate acestui spectacol. Albumul "Rapture of the Deep" lansat in luna noiembrie a anului 2005, contine urmatoarele melodii:
  • "Money Talks" - 5:32
  • "Girls Like That" - 4:02
  • "Wrong Man" - 4:53
  • "Rapture of the Deep" - 5:55
  • "Clearly Quite Absurd" - 5:25
  • "Don't Let Go" - 4:33
  • "Back to Back" - 4:04
  • "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" - 4:19
  • "MTV" (limited edition bonus track) - 4:56
  • "Junkyard Blues" - 5:33
  • "Before Time Began" - 6:31
Melodiile prezente in concertele anterioare din acest turneu de promovare, cel mai probabil prezentate si la Bucuresti:
  • "Pictures of Home
  • "Things I Never Said"
  • "Wrong Man"
  • "Ted the Mechanic"
  • "The Battle Rages on"
  • "Living Wreck"
  • "Rapture of the Deep"
  • "Before Time Began"
  • "Into the Fire"
  • "Back to Back"
  • "Fireball"
  • "Never Before"
  • "Maybe I'm a Leo"
  • "When a Blind Man Cries"
  • "Strange Kind of Woman"
  • "Contact Lost"
  • "Well-Dressed Guitar"
  • "Junkyard Blues"
  • "Lazy"
  • "Perfect Strangers"
  • "Mary Long"
  • "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming"
  • "Space Truckin'"
  • "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye"
  • "Knocking at Your Back Door"
  • "Smoke on the Water" Highway Star"
  • "Hush"
  • "Speed King"
  • "Black Night"
  • "Woman From Tokyo"
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