

WHAT: Speak & Shine Membership Campaign

WHO: Toastmasters Brasov

WHEN: Tuesday, May 22nd, 6.30 pm sharp

WHERE: the attic of Okian Bookstore, Muresenilor 1

WHY: Because YOU can be the speaker and leader you want to be. . .you just don’t know it yet!

COST: Free!

Toastmasters Brasov has the pleasure and honour to invite you on Tuesday, May 22nd, to a special event: Speak & Shine Campaign! Toastmasters International, a non-profit organization that has clubs all around the world since 1924, arrived in Brasov in May 2010. Our goal is to help you discover the latent skills you have inside you, shape them, and make them grow in the direction you wish. Here, at Toastmasters, we think that great leaders and awesome speakers are never born, but are made with work, confidence, perseverance, and true will. Here, with us, YOU can become the speaker and leader you want to be!

The purpose of the Speak & Shine Campaign is to acquaint guests with the activity of our club. Those who are interested in becoming part of a public speaking club will find this event appealing. Those who are not interested. . .well there is a great chance they will change their opinion after attending Speak & Shine! What’s on the agenda? Prepared speeches and evaluations given by members, trainings, a workshop, and improvised speeches to help us socialize and get to know each other. The meeting will be in English and the entrance is free!

For further information, please contact the President of Brasov Toastmasters, Roxana Cârceag at 0726.620.472 or via e-mail, at .

We may not make the best toast (i.e. bread) in town, but we surely know how to make a great toast (i.e. speech)! Join us for an evening of fun!


librarie , Okian , Toastmaster , Toastmasters Brasov



Loc de desfășurare:

str. Muresenilor nr. 1, Brasov


Urmează în Braşov 6451

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