de la 20:00 Program complet
Cultură (expoziție, lansări...)
Cineclub Brasov , Deane's Irish Pub , KunSTadt Art Events Management
suport eveniment 5 lei
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In 2006 the first My Europe short film programme was screened during the “Shooting Europe Filmfestival” in Karlsruhe. On the train back to Berlin Jürgen Tobisch and I had the idea that a programme like this is worth to be screened in many places, not only at one festival. The idea was born: a really European festival, showing not only European films, but also screened in many European cities, reaching an truly European audience.
Program 25 martie, de la ora 20 - LIVING IN EUROPE:
Program pentru 27 martie, de la ora 20 - POLITICS AND POLICIES
cultura , film , Deane's , cineclub , Asociatia Kunstadt , My Europe Short Film Festival
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